Choppy thoughts

My name is Connor Palankey, founder of NICEPLACEBADSETTING. Much of my life has been spent in my head, with an internal monologue that tries to rip itself out of my skull. My thoughts are often sporadic, incoherent, and with no real aim. I suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Major Depression Disorder, and lovely Social Anxiety. These three create a concoction of chaos for my brain and as a result it’s hard for me to think linearly. NICEPLACEBADSETTING encapsulates these disorders. I haven’t truly figured out the goal of NICEPLACEBADSETTING, and how it serves to help my fellow man, but I think it is a very fitting representation of the current state of existence for human beings, especially those afflicted by mental health disorders. This first post serves to be an introduction of who I am, and what I aim to do within these blog posts. Eventually I would like for guest writers to create pieces for NICEPLACEBADSETTING, so they can share their story, but for the time being I will be doing the writing. As such, I want to warn you that I am not the most skilled when it comes to proper grammar. I seem to get very confused when it comes to punctuation, I couldn’t tell you where the hell a semicolon is supposed to go, or when to properly use commas, dashes etc. But, that still does not mean that I do not have anything worthwhile to say. I have my own language, decorated with choppy thought patterns, and a bombardment of fucks, shits, and hells.

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